Rezerva acum

Vile Malina    

4.5 / 5 Score de la 16 reviews.

Vile Malina

Adresa: 4870 Pamporovo, Bulgaria

Coordonate GPS: 41.6531 / 24.6857

Localizare: Vilele Malina sunt situate printr-o padure de pin, aproape de centrul statiunii Pamporovo, la doar cateva minute de mers pe jos de telegondola. Satul de vacanta este deschis tot anul.

Cazare: Satul de vacanta Malina ofera cazare in 30 cabane. O cabana pot caza 4 persoane. Fiecare cabana are 2 etaje. La primul etaj sunt se afla camera de zi, bucataria complet echipata, baie ºi TV. Pe al doilea etaj sunt situate 2 dormitoare, unul cu 2 paturi separate, al doilea are un pat matrimonial sau 2 paturi separate (la alegere).

Facilitati: La dispozitie oaspetilor este un restaurant.

**Hotel rooms may vary in size and style. Guests can be accommodated in a different room from the images shown here as examples only.

Comentarii Vile Malina in Pamporovo

    Preturi pentru Vile Malina, Pamporovo

    1. Cautare
    2. Selectati Hotel
    3. Revedeþi detaliile de rezervare
    4. Cererea de rezervare a fost trimisa.

    Vã rugãm sã completaþi datele personale în formularul. Mai multe detalii despre procesul de rezervare puteti afla aici sau citi termenii și condițiile. Aveți probleme cu rezervarea dvs.? Contactati - ne

    Verificati preturile la hotelul

    Tupul de camereMasaMS NY HS LS 
    Villa (price for 2 adults)BB117 €154 €128 €106 €
    Vila (4 persoane)BB162 €220 €172 €154 €

    Preturile sunt in EUR, pe noapte, pentru o camera / apartament. Vã rugãm sã completati formularul de rezervare.

    * Prices are in Euro, per villa, per night and include breakfast, use of safe at the reception and parking;
    * Cancellations:
    - for the period 28.12.2024 - 01.01.2025 - up to 22 days before arrival date; For cancellations after this period - 100% penalty;
    - for the periods 13.12.2024 - 27.12.2024; 02.01.2025 - 16.01.2025; 04.03.2025 - 06.04.2025 - up to 7 days before arrival date; After this period - 50% penalty.
    - for the period 17.01.2025 - 03.03.2025 - up to 10 days before arrival date; After this period - 50% penalty.
    Reservation with early booking discount  - deposit 30% until the end of the discount period, the balance up to 12 days before arrival date;
    * No show - 3 nights.
    * Maximum occupancy: villa - 6 adults.
    * Pets are not allowed!

    * Force majeure:
    In the conditions of a pandemic and declaration of a state of emergency or epidemiological situation by the competent authorities in the Republic of Bulgaria or the country from which the tourists come, as a result of which the borders are temporarily closed and / or suspended the provision of the services, inability to reach Bulgaria and use the services in hotels, ski packages and transfers such as flight ban, temporary restriction of travel, quarantine and the like, we will provide the tourists with the following options for compensation:
    1. Opportunity for the clients to change the reservations with another date of travel in the period until 01.04.2021, and in a long enough time they will inform about the desired dates of accommodation. This will be done by changing the reservation and cancelling the previous reservation free of charge. It is also possible to change the persons on the reservation.
    2. Possibility to use the amount paid for each reservation as a credit voucher for value, whereby the money of the tourist will be transferred for future use of a tourist package or tourist service. The validity of the credit voucher, the period in which it can be used is 24 months from the date of issue. This value voucher can be transferred for use to a third party following the relevant procedure.
    3. Opportunity to refund the funds within 12 months after the end of the State of Emergency, according to the legal provisions with the issuance of a credit notice to the invoice.


    • parcare exterioara
    • restaurant

    Facilitati in camera

    • cablu/ satelit TV
    • echipament de bucatarie
    • baie/WC

    Aceasta zona este potrivita pentru

    • relaxare
    • turism
    • plimbari
    • sporturi montane
    • ciclism montan
    • afaceri

    Atracţii turistice in regiunea

    • munte
    • natura frumoasa
    • monumente istorice
    • râuri
    • paduri
    • rezervația naturalã

    Comentarii despre Vile Malina, Pamporovo

    Comentarii Vile Malina

    Mediu de la 16 Recenzie

    Personalul Hotelului
    Servicii/ Facilitati
    Valoarea banilor

    Oferte in Vile Malina, Pamporovo

    Last Minute in Vile Malina, Pamporovo

    Pentru cele mai bune oferte va rugam sa ne contactati pe Trimite un e-mail sau sunati-ne: +359 2 962 22 13

    Early Booking in Vile Malina, Pamporovo

  • Oferta Detaliata :

    Inscrieri Timpurii:
    - 15 % reducere pana la 31 Oct 2024;
    - 10 % reducere pana la 15 Nov 2024;

    Rezerva acum