Rezerva acum

/ 5 Score de la 1 reviews.


**Hotel rooms may vary in size and style. Guests can be accommodated in a different room from the images shown here as examples only.

Comentarii in Pamporovo

    Preturi pentru , Pamporovo

    1. Cautare
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    3. Revedeþi detaliile de rezervare
    4. Cererea de rezervare a fost trimisa.

    Vã rugãm sã completaþi datele personale în formularul. Mai multe detalii despre procesul de rezervare puteti afla aici sau citi termenii și condițiile. Aveți probleme cu rezervarea dvs.? Contactati - ne

    Verificati preturile la hotelul

    Tupul de camereMasaLS MS HS MS1 
    Apartament cu 1 dormitorBB75 €101 €132 €84 €
    Apartament cu 2 dormitoareBB114 €163 €220 €123 €

    Preturile sunt in EUR, pe noapte, pentru o camera / apartament. Vã rugãm sã completati formularul de rezervare.

    * The prices are in EUR, per night, per apartment, breakfast included. Guests of the hotel can use parking, internet and fitness for free.
    * Maximum occupancy: Studio – 2 adults; 1-bedroom apartment - 4 adults; 2-bedroom apartment - 6 adults.
    * Min stay during New Year Period - 3 overnights.
    * Cancellations:
    - For the period 27.12.2024 - 01.01.2025 up to 31 days - no penalty. For cancellations after this period – 50% penalty;
    - For the periods – 20.12.2024 – 26.12.2024; 02.01.2025 – 03.03.2025 - no penalty is due up to 14 days before arrival date. For cancellations after this period – 2 nights penalty.
    - For the periods 13.12.2024 - 19.12.2024; 04.03.2025 – 31.03.2025 - no penalty is due up to 6 days before arrival date. For cancellations after this period – 1 night penalty.
    * No show – 2 nights.
    * Reservations with Early booking discount - deposit 50% deposit, the balance is due up to 10 days before the arrival date.
    * Reservations with Early booking discount during New Year - deposit 50% deposit, the balance is due up to 30 days before the arrival date.


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    • Pentru cele mai bune oferte va rugam sa ne contactati pe Trimite un e-mail sau sunati-ne: +359 2 962 22 13

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    Pentru cele mai bune oferte va rugam sa ne contactati pe Trimite un e-mail sau sunati-ne: +359 2 962 22 13

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    Pentru cele mai bune oferte va rugam sa ne contactati pe Trimite un e-mail sau sunati-ne: +359 2 962 22 13